

Introduction to Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists specialise in optimising and restoring your physical function and mobility. They play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating a wide range of musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary conditions. At LiveBig we use techniques such as manual therapy, exercise prescription and therapeutic modalities to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance your overall physical well-being. Our physiotherapists empower individuals to achieve your highest potential in daily activities and quality of life. Together we do more.

Watch our video and learn more about
our Physiotherapy service (2 mins)

What do Physiotherapy activities include:

Our services are always tailored to you as an individual and are evidence-based. They are unique to each person’s goals.

Gait and mobility assessment

our Physiotherapists are highly skilled at assessing gait and mobility, identifying impairments, and providing exercise programs. They also recommend assistive technology for improving balance, strength, coordination, or muscle tone that might impair your ability to walk or mobilise.

Safe home environments

we make recommendations to your home environment to ensure safe transfers and mobility.

Manual Therapy

we can help identify and treat musculoskeletal injury and pain. We may use manual intervention such as joint mobilisation, soft tissue massage or stretching to treat acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions and pain.

Skin integrity and positioning management

if you spend a lot of time sitting or lying down, we can assist in providing assessment and recommendation (including education, advice or equipment) to improve posture and positioning to prevent the development of pressure areas or muscle shortening.

Neurological Physiotherapy

physiotherapists are essential to maintaining and optimising strength, mobility and function after stroke, spinal cord injury, or following diagnosis of progressive neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis.

Gross motor skills

assist you in improving your fine and gross motor skills, whether you are an adult or child diagnosed with developmental delay, intellectual disability, or chromosomal disorders.

Assistive Technology

provide assessments and making recommendations to you for assistive technology such as walking aids, frames, wheelchairs, respiratory devices, and transfer devices such as hoists.

Meet some of the team that will support you

How we provide our services to you

We work with you to provide services where it best suits you, which may be at home, school, or a community location. We also provide services via telehealth, so you have options that give you flexibility.

Our approach is always to look at your life, so we make sure we work with your support network in a wholistic manner to achieve the best outcomes for you including training and support for parents, siblings and paid supports where appropriate.

We use the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits for our service charges for NDIS participants. If you are a private client, contact us and we will have a chat. 

For further information

Download our Physiotherapy factsheet

Endorse LiveBig as your Service Provider

With the introduction of the PACE NDIS system, please ensure that LiveBig is endorsed as your Provider.

To assist, our Organisation ID is 405 006 0975

There are two ways a participant or nominee can endorse a provider:

  • Contact the NDIA National Call Centre on 1800 800 110 and advise that they would like to endorse the provider
  • Via their "My NDIS contact" - this could be a Local Area Coordinator or Planner.

Physiotherapy and your Mental Health

When you think of physiotherapy, you might imagine exercise routines, stretching, and maybe a few…

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